Christian Hypocricy In Light Of Obama’s Notre Dame Commencement Address

May 18, 2009
Obama At Notre Dame

Obama At Notre Dame


By now, we all know about President Obama’s visit to Notre Dame. It was filled with controversy for Christians and especially for Catholics. Please! Get real! I have 2 quick observations:

First, I find it fascinating that the Republican party – the party that prides itself on less regulation and more personal responsibility – is so determined to pursue Constitutional Amendments against gay marriage and abortion. Whatever happened to leaving regulations to the States? Whatever happened to leaving personal matters to individuals’ decisions? Clearly, all that big talk apply only if they agree with your religious views and political agendas.

Second, let’s assume abortion is killing a living baby. I can truly accept and, in a way, believe that. Now, some one tell me how abortion can be viewed as a much worse act than killing a living person. Remember the 10 Commandments? Remember the sixth one: thou shalt not murder? No where does it say thou shalt not murder only the unborn. 

I find it absolutely hypocritical that most Christians who are so against abortion are precisely the same individuals whose core ideology is the same as that of Rush Limbaugh’s and Dick Cheney’s. The same ideology that merits we (the U.S.) are the king of the world, we should govern the world and protect ourselves at any cost, and if some innocent lives are lost in the process, so be it. Every time we drop bombs and rockets to kill terrorists, we inevitably kill some innocent by-standards in the process. Some of those innocent souls are children, newborns and even unborn. Therefore, we are violating the sixth commandment. Where’s the outrage? Where are the protests? 

In no way am I suggesting that we should not fiercely protect ourselves or avoid pre-emptive strikes. And I’m not so naive to think that we can do all that with no non-military casualties. But then I don’t have an existential crisis, and I’m not hypocritically against abortion while practically supporting the deaths of unborn and pregnant women in war. That is not for me to resolve. Those of you Christians who are against abortion and thought Obama’s visit to Notre Dame was an abomination must work this out between yourselves and your God. And be careful what conclusion you reach. If you believe that God agrees with your views and supports your plan, you have reached the wrong conclusion. It should be exactly the opposite!

Eternal damnation is not just for those who support or perform abortion. It is also for those who violate the sixth commandment. That could be you. Think about it.

Praying To God . . . Dot Com – The Modern Online Version

March 31, 2009

The answer to the existential question of “why did God invent the Internet” has now been answered. It is, of course, to pray online.

Phoenix First Assembly Online has created a website for the modern human. According to their website:

The Phoenix First Assembly of God – On-line Prayer Center Connects Your Online Prayer Request with the Prayer Warriors from our Circle of Love and from all over the world! Every Single Time They Pray for your need – You will get a tiny little email that tells you “Somebody just Prayed for You!” Submit Prayer Requests by clicking the Link below.

Praying for complete strangers is nice and dandy, especially if you do it online. But I propose a different approach. We should ask God to open a twitter account. We can all then follow him and just send him tweets. My first tweet is going to be:


Oops, I exceeded my 140 character limit!

I think I’ll wait for the iPhone app!


Enjoy a couple of actual entries from the website:

HI – sorry to bother you, but my household is under huge attack right now. i am preparing a video clip with family photos for a 50th anniversary party for my mom & dad, & all hell seems to be breaking out against me. i know there’s a huge spirit of rejection in my family, & it appears to be trying to kill the project


Pray for the big fat backslidden church playing hypocrite & self proclaim Chief Apostle Beverly Armstead. The demons make her believe that she is some kind of Apostle when she is nothing, but the devil. Pray that God will expose this wolf in sheep clothing and she get her deliverance from demons. thank you,


Well, isn’t that special?!

Church Lady Is Back . . . And Is Still Blaming Satan!

March 27, 2009

church_ladyA 62 year-old woman employed as an administrative assistant at a Church in Arlington, Washington has been accused of stealing more than $73,000 from the Church. In her defense, she claims that “Satan had a big part in the theft.” → source

So, let me see if I’ve got this right. The church lady says that someone made her steal. Oh, let’s see. Who could it be? Who could it be? Could it be . . . SATAN!

One Born Life vs. Many Unborn Lives – Which Is More Significant?

July 21, 2008

Imagine you’re walking down the street. A fire has just broken out at a fertility clinic. You rush in to help. In one corner, you see a 5-year old girl standing near the door. In another corner, you see a tray of 2 in-vitro fertilized eggs. There is enough time to save only one of the two. You are faced with a choice. Save the girl who is clearly a living human, or save the 2 fertilized eggs – both potential future humans. It’s quite a dilemma, isn’t it?

A few days ago, I posted ‘Viagra + Birth Control + McCain + Reporters = Disaster‘.  In it, I argued that the decision of covering the cost of Viagra and not birth control by insurance companies should not be made solely based on religious reasons. I presented that Viagra can be used for many more sinful acts than birth control. For instance, birth control can be used by non-married people, while Viagra can be used by both non-married people and gay men. Therefore, religion should oppose Viagra more strongly than it does birth control.

I am not advocating that Congress should pass legislation requiring insurance companies to cover the cost various medications and pills – far from it. That is not central to the premise of my post. I only argue that employing religion as motive and rationale in such decisions is injudicious.

I received a deluge of personal emails and one comment by Milo criticizing my approach. Their argument revolved around the central idea of sanctity of life. Milo went one step further by saying that it is not a stretch to believe Viagra promotes life while birth control suppresses it. He’s right; it’s not a stretch. The question, however, is this: how is the worth of an unborn life measured against the already born? And before you roll your eyes up, irrespective of which side of this issue you are on, be prepared to examine your beliefs.

Consider the following example:

Imagine you’re walking down the street. A fire has just broken out at a fertility clinic. You rush in to help. In one corner, you see a 5-year old girl standing near the door. In another corner, you see a tray of 2 in-vitro fertilized eggs. There is enough time to save only one of the two. You are faced with a choice. Save the girl who is clearly a living human, or save the 2 fertilized eggs – both potential future humans. It’s quite a dilemma, isn’t it?

If your religion dictates that life begins at the moment of conception (or fertilization in the case of fertility treatments), then you must logically save the contents of the tray and not the girl. A fertilized egg represents a life according to (at least) Christianity. And if your choice is to save the tray, then you clearly place a higher value on 2 unborn fertilized eggs than you do on 1 living and breathing born human. You should now pause and contemplate your choice which, you must admit, seems somewhat inhumane.

If you are not bound by religious views, you’re more likely to save the girl. But even though you are likely to not consider fertilized eggs as actual humans, you do understand that they have the potential of becoming humans someday. Don’t you? Would you not rather save 2 humans instead of 1 – albeit you may have to wait a while for those humans to be born?

Try to contemplate your choice if the tray contained 100 fertilized eggs rather than 2. Will you alter your decision? What if the tray contained 1000 fertilized eggs?

You Shall Not Take The Name Of The LORD Your God In Vain – A View Into The Ten Commandments

June 30, 2008

The third of the ten commandments. 

We all know it. So highly symbolic are the Ten Commandments that almost all human beings on earth – even non-Christians – are aware of their existence. It is mostly because of the third commandment that shouting ‘Jesus Christ’ in conversation is frowned upon. I’d like to challenge that notion.

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments, The 10 Commandments

Does your God think less of you or possibly even punish you if you utter ‘Jesus Christ’ or ‘God damn it’? That’s too bad. Mine doesn’t! My God does not exhibit human-like pettiness. He does not care whether his name is used as an expression of surprise, anger or frustration. My God does not view uttering ‘Jesus Christ’ as a sign of disrespect. The need for respect from others is purely a human notion. God transcends all human reactions and emotions. He’s an entity that is much more grand than that.

Trust me folks. Your God cares much more about other things: kindness and helpfulness toward others; supporting those in need; sense of awe at his creations; sympathy; empathy; humility. You get the idea.

Who decided that the third commandment means saying ‘Jesus Christ’ is a blasphemous act? I want to meet that person. That’s just silly. Did that person talk to God personally? Who’s to say that the correct interpretation of this commandment should not be “You are not to make use of the name of the Lord your God for an evil purpose.” That would make much more logical sense. Here’s an example. In the dark ages, the church punished, in the name of God, those who did not believe the earth was the center of the universe. See what I mean? Here’s a more recent example: clergies abusing boys and covering it up.

Be skeptical of anyone telling you what God wants of us, or what he cares about (including me). No one knows that for sure. The only thing we can do is to employ logic, intuition, knowledge, and experience to arrive at a reasonable conclusion regarding God’s wishes and plans. That is why you are bestowed the gift of intelligence. One way or another, you must use your brain to untangle the mysteries of the ten commandments.

Here’s my personal belief: God doesn’t care about words. That is just silly! At this very moment, somewhere in the world, a child is dying of malnutrition or disease. At this very moment, a desperate person is praying to his creator, and asking for nothing more than a bite of food. At this very moment, innocent American and Iraqi lives are being wasted. At this very moment, someone is dying of cancer, and his family is grief-stricken. At this very moment, a woman is giving birth to a child. At this very moment, a new star is born in the universe. God is busy!

Does your God really make an adverse note about your foul language? Not likely! Don’t be afraid to challenge conventional wisdom (even religious ones). The Church has not always been correct in its teachings or its behavior. Exercise your remarkable and awe-inspiring gift of intelligence that God has given you. Think about it.

I welcome all respectful comments, including any of the ten commandments.

Can A Naked Mermaid Drink Coffee While Spreading Her Legs?

May 21, 2008

God does not care about a stupid coffee store logo. He doesn’t have time for that none-sense, and these people are nuttier than a one-pound jar of Jif Peanut Butter. God does, however, care to know what you have done . . . for starving children, the sick and the poor.
OK, I know everyone has already blogged this, but what the heck.

Starbucks, as part of their recent campaign of getting back to the basics, has decided to bring back their old logo: the “twin-tailed siren”. What’s a siren, you ask? In Greek mythology, Sirens were three dangerous bird-women who were portrayed as seductresses and lived on an island . . . blah, blah, blah. Waste your time by reading all about it on Wikipedia.

The old logo is on the left and the old (new) logo is on the right. However, Starbucks will cover her breasts and naval.

What could possibly go wrong?! For starters, a Christian group called the Resistance could go wrong. Mark Dice, the idiot in chief of this 3,000 member group said “the Starbucks logo has a naked woman on it with her legs spread like a prostitute”. He went on to further say: “Need I say more? It’s extremely poor taste, and the company might as well call themselves Slutbucks.“

OK, before any other group decides to get on this bandwagon based on moral grounds, let’s examine the facts. First, how does Mr. Dice (or any other good Christian) know what a prostitute looks like?

Second, God does not care about a stupid coffee store logo. He doesn’t have time for that none-sense, and these people are nuttier than a one-pound jar of Jif Peanut Butter. God does, however, care to know what you have done (as an individual or a group and especially as a religious person) for starving children, the sick and the poor. Why is it that I don’t hear much of an outcry from many Christian groups about the 4000+ dead American soldiers or countless dead Iraqi civilians? Aren’t those people children of God? Aren’t their souls sacred?

How many Christian groups organized their members to lobby Congress to either pass or revise the SCHIP (State Children’s Health Insurance Program) that was vetoed by President Bush? Doesn’t God care more about poor children in need of healthcare than he does about a logo of a mythical character on a paper cup that ends up in trash?

Think about it!