Church Lady Is Back . . . And Is Still Blaming Satan!

March 27, 2009

church_ladyA 62 year-old woman employed as an administrative assistant at a Church in Arlington, Washington has been accused of stealing more than $73,000 from the Church. In her defense, she claims that “Satan had a big part in the theft.” → source

So, let me see if I’ve got this right. The church lady says that someone made her steal. Oh, let’s see. Who could it be? Who could it be? Could it be . . . SATAN!

Merry Christmas, Shoplifting Dog

December 26, 2008

So, this dog walks into a super market, heads directly to the dog bone isle, swipes one, and walks out in broad daylight.

Smart dog? Nah! If he was really smart, he would have gone to the next isle and made out with a big juicy steak.