Brilliant Study: Old Phones End Up In Drawers. Duh!

July 9, 2008

A global survey conducted by Nokia has revealed that most old mobile phones are left in drawers.

I would now like to declare a big DUH! I don’t know how much Nokia paid for this survey, but I would have taken only 1% of the money they coughed up, and had given them EXACTLY the same answer.

Only 3% of the 6,500 people interviewed for the survey said that they recycled their mobile phones (and my guess is that about half of them are lying). The good news is that only 4 percent of old phones end up in landfills. The survey further found that some people also give old phones to friends and family.

Speaking of drawers . . . If you’re a man, check out your wife’s underwear drawer. I guarantee you will find underwear in there that you’ve never, ever seen on your wife before. The second shocking discovery by you men will be that most of what you haven’t seen your wife wear is actually colorful, sexy, exotic, and very expensive. Can you say Victoria’s Secret?

I will now pause until you men come to your final and inevitable realization, especially if your wife’s name is Victoria. If those sexy lingerie are not for you, then . . .

Don’t let your wife convince you that the lingerie are for her, and that wearing them helps her feel good and sexy about herself. Trust me, that’s only partially true – the part about feeling good and sexy . . . in your absence.

Don’t worry men. It’s not all bad news. I guarantee you have in fact seen your wife wear every pair of socks that she owns. See! Everything she wears is for you and your pleasure – especially those old socks. You can go back to watching TV now!