David Holmes: Rapping Southwest Flight Attendent

March 19, 2009

He’s totally ready for a career change.

Bonuses, Suicide, Tits: Chuck Grassley Sums It Up.

March 19, 2009

chuck_grassleySeems like Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.

It all began on Monday when Sen. Grassley was steamed about AIG bonuses. He suggested that AIG executives should resign or “commit suicide.” Not surprisingly, he apologized the next day by claiming that he didn’t mean suicide literally. → source

So, how can Grassley redeem himself? Easy! He throws himself a press event and utters the following sentence: “From my standpoint, it’s irresponsible for corporations to give bonuses at this time when they’re sucking the tit of the taxpayer.”

One thing is not quite clear to me. Does the sucking tit part come before committing suicide or as a result of it?