Bad Runway Design Teaches Us About Evolution, Makes Us Laugh

April 26, 2008

During a recent 2008 Fashion Show, an event occurred that can teach us a great deal about evolution – which imparts nothing about creation, so don’t leave me irrelevant comments. In addition to its educational value, this video is darn funny. Watch it first and then read on. You may actually need to watch it more than once to completely appreciate the points below.

  1. Notice that the models are walking backstage on the right side of the runway. The lady in yellow is the designer. She takes a bow, turns 90 degrees, and falls through the middle. At first, there is a glimmer of hope that she might get herself out. But soon, she begins to disappear as though she’s in quick sand. This teaches us that propagation of species is based partially on intelligence and partially on pure luck.
  2. Notice that as the victim continues to sink down, the last model (in red) has not yet passed the scene of the accident. She could stop and help. Instead, she takes one look at the victim, quickly calculates that one fewer woman in the world increases her own chances of finding a mate, and continues to walk backstage. This teaches us that fierce competition for finding a mate is central to strong and lasting propagation of species.
  3. A photographer (on the right) rushes to the victim’s aid. He exhibits sufficient intelligence to stay on the solid part of the runway because he knows the middle part is unsafe. This teaches us that within species, the strong and the intelligent have higher potential for survival.
  4. Another person (on the left) feels obligated to help, but waits for the first responders to reach the victim first. He then walks toward the victim, albeit reluctantly. This teaches us that survival of species is highly dependent on accurately assessing and avoiding danger.
  5. Although he (the helper on the left) witnessed the accident a mere 15 seconds before, he is unable to fully appreciate the mechanics of what happened and how to avoid the same fate. This teaches us that reliably consistent memory and strong sense of deduction are both essential for positive natural selection.
  6. Last, but not least, there is little doubt that many of us find this video funny. Humor and laughter are powerful distinguishing traits that have helped elevate Homo-Sapiens above all other species.

It was un-necessary for Darwin to travel to the Galapagos to fully appreciate the concept of Evolution. He could have watched a fashion show on Youtube!