National Organization For Marriage As Pathetic As Perez Hilton

May 1, 2009

ms-californiaWell, it was just a matter of time.  Miss California will soon start in a new $1.5 million ad campaign that is funded by the National Organization for Marriage. → source

According to the group, the ad will call “gay marriage advocates to account for their unwillingness to debate the real issue: gay marriage has consequences.”

OK, let’s get real. I’m calling BS on this.

First, I have nothing but respect for Prejean for answering her Miss USA’s question exactly as she saw it. She didn’t pretend or bend the truth. Good for her.

Second, everyone – including most gay activists – knows that Perez Hilton is a pathetic low-life stupid loser jerk and an irrelevant prick. Enough said.

Third, National Organization for Marriage is just as pathetic as Perez Hilton, albeit an even bigger loser than him because it’s an organization with more influence.


National Organization for Marriage

Think about it: National Organization for Marriage (NOM). What should such a name connotate? To me, the name resonates the idea that this organization is established to address all things related to marriage. What are some of the most pressing issues with marriage? Google has the answer:

  1. Infidelity
  2. divorce rate of over 50%

If NOM wants to include gay marriage on their agenda, that’s perfectly fine. However, go to NOM’s website and look around a little just so that you can prove to yourself that I’m correct in the following assertion. There is not one mention of divorce and how to avoid it – not even under the heading of ‘why marriage matters’. There’s not one article about adultery and how to prevent it – not even under the heading of ‘the threat to marriage’. You’ll find no links to resources for marriage counseling. No where will you find anything on maintaining a long-term healthy marriage. 

You will, however, find information on which California businesses to boycott, learn about their religious liberty ad campaign, and how to donate money so that they can lobby Congress against gay marriage.

National Organization for Marriage: just as pathetic as Perez Hilton, but bigger.